Andrea Russo


I am graduated in Electronic Engineer for Automation and Telecommunication. At University I studied the controls of complex systems and I made large use of tools like Matlab Simulink. After my graduation, I have been hired by Netcom Group S.p.a. for a training stage. During this period, I improved my skill in using Matlab Simulink working as a Model-based software engineer for an automotive project in which I developed SW AUTOSAR compliant for IPC (Instrumental panel cluster) ECUs. I also worked as a software integrator and I have learned to use tools like CANoe, CANalyzer, and INCA. Besides which I wrote Matlab scripts to improve the development procedure and the creation of the test cases. I made another experience at Centro Ricerche Fiat (FCA) on behalf of Netcom Group S.p.a. as a Control System Engineer. I develop Software for engine ECUs in the powertrain team. After that I worked as a consultant in AVIO S.p.a. on behalf of Alten Italia. I was in charge of the verification and validation of the aerospace launcher onboard software. I've improved my Java skills to develop validation tools and my Linux knowledge working in a Linux environment. Now I'm working as Tool developer and Test engineer in CNH Industrial as ALTEN consultant. My role is to validate software for ECU on Construction vehicles and develop Matlab GUI to automate the report generation and the test analysis. I've enhanced my Matlab skill and I've better learned to use DSPACE tools such as ControlDesk, AutomationDesk, and ConfigurationDesk, besides CANalyzer. I like to work in the embedded world and I would like to improve my capability in this field.

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